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Write a Letter

When I was a young fluff mum would tell me to write things down when they were stuck in my head and were keeping me awake. I had a little pad and a pencil or crayon, I didn’t get my pen licence for a long time, next to my bed so when I was fretting and couldn’t sleep I could write down the things that were on my mind. That way they were out of my mind but also there for the morning in plain sight.

I have been trying to bring this through in different aspects to try and get some more clarity. I’m sure you would have heard the ‘write a letter to your younger self’ advice. I can very much pinpoint the perfect time to write to. I would be nineteen and I would say to myself beyond many things is to feel. Let yourself feel, the happiness, the pain, thelove and the grief. That would save me a hell of a lot of time and money on psych haha!

I would also probably write to my teen self basically to advise me to stop being such a turd. I mean I wasn’t the worst person but I sure did push my limits and did made dad loose a lot of hair. I would say to myself stop piss farting around, they’re not trying to ruin your life they are giving you the best advice and opportunities you could ask for. Quit being a jerk, but hey I think that most of us want to tell our teen/high school self to not be a jerk haha!

Another letter is to those I have lost. Not to be all ‘whoes me’ but I have lost a lot of people who meant a lot to me. For example my grandparents. I was lucky enough to live close to both sets and hang out with them heaps growing up. I would love to write to them to tell them what I’m doing with myself, things that I do which have been inspired by them and the things they have taught me. I always wonder if they would be proud with how I finally listened to them!

Lastly, also to those above and others I lost all the things I never said. For example, a friend who we lost at far to young of an age I never told him how much he inspired me everyday with the fight he was fighting without batting an eyelid. He still inspires me today. To another friend reminding him that no matter what had happened in the past he had so much good in him.

Unfortunately I do, as most, think about the things we didn’t say. We don’t take enough opportunities to say the things when we have a chance because we’re too busy, have too much pride or are just plain scared of the repercussions. I hope I can take the chance and say what I need before it’s too late and I hope you can too.

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